Seminar on Religious Education in Indonesia: A Unique Experience

Author: Wise Institute - min read. - Post Date: 09/16/2024


This seminar aims to explore the distinct approaches and experiences of religious education in Indonesia, particularly in the context of a diverse and multi-faith society. Indonesia, as the largest Muslim-majority country in the world, provides a rich case study of how religious education can promote unity, coexistence, and understanding among different faith communities. The seminar will focus on the educational methods, curriculum, and policies that have shaped Indonesia’s religious education system, examining how these practices can be adapted or serve as a model for other nations.


Knowledge Exchange: To foster an understanding of the Indonesian experience in religious education, particularly how it balances traditional Islamic teachings with modern, pluralistic values.

Cross-Cultural Insights: To encourage dialogue between scholars, educators, and participants on the challenges and opportunities in implementing inclusive religious education in different contexts.

Practical Applications: To explore how Indonesia’s strategies for religious education can inform the development of educational frameworks in other regions, focusing on tolerance, ethical leadership, and the role of religion in promoting social harmony.

Significance to WISE Institute’s Mission:

This seminar aligns with WISE Institute’s mission of promoting the correct understanding of Islam and fostering a culture of peace and coexistence. By focusing on Indonesia’s unique experience in religious education, we aim to highlight the importance of inclusive education that respects diversity while upholding strong moral and ethical foundations. The discussion is expected to contribute to our broader efforts to create educational frameworks to bridge between communities and address contemporary challenges in religious and moral education.

Author: Wise Institute - min read. - Post Date: 09/16/2024